East Zone (Bill and Edi Anderson Scholarship) | |
Rachel Salamone | |
RHAM High School, Hebron, Connecticut Academics: National Honor Society and History Club Athletics: Varsity baseball (2018 state champion), Ski Club and member of the All-National Wiffle Ball League Association (Pitcher) Activities: Aeronautics Career Education Academy at Kent State University graduate, while training toward private pilot certification; Local league PONY Baseball umpire, Junior Volunteer at Washington Health System Coronary Care Unit and Women’s Center registration desk, Pennsylvania State Police Camp Cadet program graduate, Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Delegate Attending: Kent State University - Aeronautics major | ![]() |
North Zone | |
Boston Cooper III | |
Academics: Illinois State Scholar, African American Hall of Fame Scholarship, Academic Cultural Technological and Scientific Olympics regional gold medals for entrepreneurship in 2016-18, National Honor Society, Minority Academic Achievement Recognition Athletics: Varsity Baseball and Track and Field, Colt and Palomino Baseball Activities: Jack and Jill of American Inc. (Chaplain, Foundation Chair and Vice President), University High School Black Student Union (Treasurer and President), Entrepreneur of Realifetees Apparel Design Company, can play 20 different percussion instruments, Marching Band, Speech Team, Tech Club, Harry Hightower Community Service Award - Bloomington-Normal NAACP, member of Eastview Christian Church, TCWA McLean County Attending: Vanderbilt University - Bio-Chemistry major | ![]() |
South Zone | |
Kelly Salinas | |
Academics: National Honor Society and Mariachi Nuevo Tecatitlan Workshop (2017-19) Athletics: Varsity Softball (captain), First Team All-District pitcher, LMT All-City pitcher, KGNS Most Outstanding Pitcher, Lady Longhorns Powerlifting Team regional qualifier, 2017 South Zone Softball World Series participant Activities: Mighty Longhorn Marching Band Flute Section Leader, U.I.L. Area G and TMEA Marching Competition first divisions, U.I.L. Texas State Marching Contest Semifinalist, TMEA Flute All-District and All-Area, Region 14 and G Symphonic Band, Most Outstanding Band Member, Texas Solo and Ensemble Regional Competition first division, 6A Area G Grand Champions, Texas State Marching Contest Semifinalist, Mariachi Del Mar Flute Section Leader, South Texas Blood and Tissue Center volunteer, Laredo Animal Care facility volunteer, Environmental Animal Society Club, Assistant Coach/Pitching Coach with the Pony League Lady Red Sox Attending: Our Lady of the Lake University - Biochemistry major | ![]() |
West Zone | |
John "Drew" Ferrante | |
Academics: Valedictorian, California Scholarship Federation, National Honor Society, Presidents Award and Academic Excellence Award Activities: Eagle Scout, ASB Student Government Vice President, Math Club President, Financed $4,000 and rebuilt two batting cages at San Gabriel PONY Baseball & Softball, Red Cross "Sound the Alarm" volunteer, Service C (high school service program), San Gabriel PONY snack bar volunteer, altar server, campus minister (all four years), academic tutor (all four years) Attending: University of Southern California - Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) major | ![]() |
Asia Pacific Zone | |
No Scholarship Awarded | |
A scholarship was not awarded because there were no qualified applicants. | |
Canada Zone | |
No Scholarship Awarded | |
A scholarship was not awarded because there were no qualified applicants. | |
Caribbean Zone | |
No Scholarship Awarded | |
A scholarship was not awarded because there were no qualified applicants. | |
European Zone | |
No Scholarship Awarded | |
A scholarship was not awarded because there were no qualified applicants. | |
Mexico Zone | |
No Scholarship Awarded | |
A scholarship was not awarded because there were no qualified applicants. | |
2019 PONY Alumni Scholarship Winners Print
Modified on: Tue, 19 Sep, 2023 at 2:16 PM
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