INSERTION:  2024 (Approved 2022 as 2022-R-23)

DESCRIPTION:  Previous Season major League Rulebook


RULE CHANGE:  Starting in 2024 the 2023 Major League Baseball Rule Book shall govern the rules for PONY Baseball. In all following years the previous year’s Major League Baseball Rule Book shall govern all applicable PONY rules (i.e 2027 will be governed by 2026 MLB Rules).

INSERTION:  2024 (Approved 2023 as 2023-R-02)

DESCRIPTION:  Fix conversion typos

RULE CHANGE:  Fix feet to meter conversion errors in rulebook.

INSERTION:  2024 (Approved 2023 as 2023-R-18a)


RULE:  10 O.

RULE CHANGE:  Add the following rule. “10-O.  PONY Baseball will not be utilizing a pitch clock.” 

INSERTION:  2024 (Approved 2023 as 2023-R-26a)

DESCRIPTION:  Supervision after ejection

RULE:  18-G.

RULE CHANGE:  Add the following rule 18 G.  “Players who violate the rules and are ejected from the game shall remain in the dugout under the supervision of the Manager, coach, or Business Manager. If unsportsmanlike behavior continues, the player shall be escorted away from the dugout with either the Manager, coach, or Business Manager until the game is completed. Additional penalties may occur if the violation is severe in nature.”

INSERTION:  2024 (Approved 2023 as 2023-R-28a)

DESCRIPTION:  Disengagement Rule

RULE:  10 P.

RULE CHANGE:  Add the following rule. “10-P PONY Baseball will not be utilizing the MLB disengagement rule.”